Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 66: This Month's Picture

Here is our debt picture today, August 17.

Overall, we've paid our debt down $340.52 in the past month, and $1288.25 since I started keeping track in June. The bad news is that our credit card debt has actually gone up $142.25 in the past month.

My husband and I had a not so pleasant discussion on the state of our financial affairs tonight. I'm extremely unhappy with his $400 a month cigarette habit.

We were denied the refinance. We would need to refinance 112% LTV and the refinance plan only allows up to a 110% LTV, so we have to pay another $4000 off of our principal, or our house value needs to increase (which it won't) in order to be eligible for a refinance. That means that now, we're going to have to find a way to come up with an additional $85 a month for our mortgage payment, which is going to be hard to do when we're already running a $1000 a month shortfall. I know that can't be entirely accurate, because our credit cards only went up less than $150 this past month, and I don't see any week where we can't meet our bills over the coming month, there's just no extra money.

I think I'm going to look into a second job this week, see if I can pick up something in retail through the holidays, if anybody is even hiring. At least knowing that it's temporary will help me get through the days/nights. If we can get one credit card paid off, it will help our financial position immensely.

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