Monday, July 23, 2012

July Update

I haven't gotten back to write like I keep telling myself that I'm going to. This month has been kind of crazy with everything that has been going on.

I did consolidate my student loans, and when I got the new loan amount, it looks like they did not apply my June payment. I contacted Mohela about it several weeks ago and did not get a response, so I have asked for a copy of my payment history in hopes that I can see actual amounts of my loans at the time of consolidation. I did not expect that Mohela would delete my loan history from their website as soon as the loan was consolidated, so I foolishly did not print off my summary sheet before the consolidation occurred. Direct Loan Servicing is no help because they weren't servicing the loan at that time and Mohela has been no help because they are unresponsive.

I ended up changing the repayment plan to the graduated repayment plan because it reduced my payments $60 a month and only added about $500 extra interest to the total cost of my loan. I plan to put the difference towards higher interest credit cards, which we are still on target to pay off next year. My husband also got a bonus in this paycheck, so that will help.

We are still waiting on our refund from the county auditor, from where they lowered the value of our house for 2010 and 2011. Based on approximate taxes for our value, we should be receiving about $500 or $600 back. The county said it would be approximately 60 days, but did not clarify whether it would be 60 days from the decision, or 60 days from the date they responded. Either way, I still have not seen the updated value reflected on their website and it's been about 90 days since the decision was made. I guess it's time to harrass them again. You know they would not be as understanding if I were late on my tax payments.

We're also still wrapped up in the nightmare that is refinancing our home with US Bank.

We applied for the refinance in April and were told that we would be under a 90 day ratelock, but that generally the refinances were processed within about 60 days. I received the application paperwork and returned it, along with all supplemental documents requested. A week or so later, I was told that, although I had submitted the signed paperwork to request a transcript of my previous two years tax returns and my previous two years W-2's, they now needed a copy of my actual tax return. I was angry. ANGRY. Because they hadn't requested these documents at the time we were applying, so I felt they were just delaying the refinance process, and because they already received the information from our tax transcripts, so I felt like they were... I don't know, trying to catch us in a lie? I'm not sure. I returned the tax returns anyway and they responded back that they needed all of the supporting pages. Um, why?? Like most normal individuals in the 21st century, I filed electronically, with documents that were provided to me electronically. I had already printed off the electronic copies of my tax returns and signed them, backdating them more than a year, and now I was trying to gather other supporting documents. US Bank seriously, SERIOUSLY needs to update their processes for modern technology.

Anyway, all of the documents were finally received by US Bank, it went through underwriting and was in scheduling when our area was hit by strong storms, bringing strong winds, hail, power outages, etc. A few days later, we got a call from US Bank that our refinance had been pulled back from scheduling because we were now being subjected to a driveby inspection to ensure that our home was still standing and had not been damaged. I was annoyed, but understood.

Last week, we got a phone call from an appraisal company wanting to schedule an appraisal. I was taken by surprise because we had been told two months ago that we would not need an appraisal because they were using automated values. I went ballistic. I called US Bank and our loan processor was out of the office for the week, I complained on their facebook page, I got ahold of a supervisor who told me it was their direction that everybody within the affected area had to have a full appraisal. The more I thought about it, the more angry I got, so I complained further about how we'd been jerked around with all of the additional paperwork after we started the application process and now, because of their incompetence we were going to be subjected to an appraisal that was going to cost us an additional $400 because they dragged the process out so long. I got another phone call from the supervisor indicating that the appraisal was required by Fannie Mae, who backs our mortgage. The thing is, I have a coworker who is refinancing with her loan held by Fannie Mae and she is not being subjected to an appraisal, so I think US Bank is full of it.

Anyway, the appraiser came out on Wednesday and was there for less than 10 minutes. The US Bank supervisor told me we needed to be at $88,000 for the value of our home. It came back at $85,000. She indicated that the difference in value did not impact our refinance, so we will be moving forward and closing next week. I will be glad to see the drop in payment, even though I know the majority of the drop is because we're going back to a 30 year loan. My hope is, with the way property values have been increasing in our neighborhood, we will get close to breaking even by next year. I don't mind taking a small loss, as long as it doesn't break us. We're hoping with the opening of a casino a few miles down the road, that our property will see a dramatic increase in value late this year and early next.

We're going to use the reduction in mortgage payment to pay down credit card debt, and then probably put half towards paying down principle on this loan and half towards saving for a down payment on a new home. We're getting closer to being on level footing and getting ourselves out from under the mountain of debt we have accumulated.